The University will conduct an evaluation of all submitted Stage 1 proposals and intends to schedule interviews with all or a select number of Respondent teams. Respondent teams’ interview participants will be limited to a maximum of seven (7) key personnel for each Project. The responses to the Stage 1 RFP and interviews (as applicable) will form the basis for the University’s selection of approximately three (3) Developer teams for each Project that will be invited to submit proposals in response to a Stage 2 RFP. However, if the submitted Stage 1 Proposals are found to be insufficient to select among the Respondent teams, the University reserves the right to require additional presentations or meetings with the Respondents. Further, the University reserves the right to reject any or all Stage 1 Proposals.
The selection committee will consider the following criteria in evaluating each response to the Stage 1 RFP:
- Developer team members’ qualifications and previous successful experience in the design and construction of student housing using various types of construction.
- Developer team members’ demonstrated student housing management experience and operations success with projects housing a wide diversity of students, but especially transfer students, graduate students, and students with families.
- Developer team’s demonstrated experience in developing projects that incorporate sustainable design and construction components, and proposed approach to energy efficient design, and the inclusion of renewable energy resources.
- Developer team’s demonstrated experience in designing, constructing, and operating projects that are zero net energy.
- Demonstrated understanding of the current regional construction market and effective strategies for addressing factors affecting schedule and cost.
- The comprehensiveness, innovation, and effectiveness of the Respondent’s Project approach for each Project, including the logic and comprehensiveness of the draft schedule, work plan and phasing plan, and the reasonableness of the time estimates therein.
- Demonstrated flexibility of the Developer’s team in planning and design and ability to work collaboratively to meet the requirements of the campus.
- Developer team interview, including team cohesion and interaction with University stakeholders.
- Responsiveness of the proposal to the Stage 1 RFP requirements and to the Project goals for each Project or Projects.
- Specific experience and qualifications relating to each Project, including, but not limited to:
- Delivering affordable student housing projects;
- Utility/infrastructure planning, development, and delivery;
- Sustainable, low-impact and zero net energy design; and
- Innovative and balanced approaches to affordability, quality design, lifecycle cost management, project handback, and sustainability/zero net energy goals.
The solicitation and evaluation of the Stage 1 RFP responses and the process for selecting the Respondent advancing to Stage 2 are anticipated to follow the time frame below:
Respondents may propose on either Project or both Projects. If a Respondent proposes on both Projects, and is selected to advance to Stage 2, they should be prepared to submit preliminary proposals for the combined Project as well as separate proposals for each individual Project. Each such proposal should include: conceptual site plans, phasing plans, representative elevations and floor plans for typical units for each Project, a preliminary pro forma financial analysis for each Project including development cost estimates and the estimated operating income and expenses for the proposed Project. The University will expect Respondents to the Stage 2 RFP to engage with campus representatives in a design charrette prior to the conclusion of the Stage 2 RFP process.
The University anticipates that the Stage 2 RFP process will conclude by mid-September 2017. At the conclusion of the Stage 2 RFP process, the University will select a Developer or Developers for the Projects, and will immediately enter into exclusive negotiations with the selected Developer or Developers. Negotiations will include, initially, the terms of a predevelopment agreement, and, thereafter, the terms of a ground lease and ancillary documents governing the development and ownership of the Project or Projects. The University reserves the right to terminate negotiations with the Developer or Developers first selected and to negotiate with another Developer who was selected and participated in the Stage 2 of the RFP process, if negotiations with the Developer or Developers first selected fail, or the Developer or Developers first selected fail to perform.
The Respondents selected to submit proposals in response to the Stage 2 RFP are hereby notified that negotiations with respect to this Project or Projects may begin more than 14 days after the successful proposer for the Project or Projects has been notified of its selection and that more than 45 days will be necessary to complete the documentation for the Project.
The University anticipates the following project stages will occur following the conclusion of the Stage 2 RFP and the final selection of the Developer or Developers:
Predevelopment Agreement
The University expects to enter into a Predevelopment Agreement (“PA”) with the Developer or Developers selected at the conclusion of the Stage 2 RFP. This PA will establish a basis for negotiations and will include provisions for the reimbursement of a portion of the costs of the work the Developer or Developers perform during the Planning and Design Stage (described below) if the Project or Projects do not proceed to the Development Stage. If the University and the Developer or Developers do reach a contractual agreement to proceed with the development, the Developer or Developers will be expected to recoup their costs incurred in the Planning and Design Stage as part of its development budget for the Project or Projects.
Planning and Design Stage
As noted above, Respondents selected to respond to the Stage 2 RFP will be required to prepare conceptual designs for the Project or Projects. The Developer or Developers selected at the conclusion of the Stage 2 RFP process will be expected to immediately continue the design and master planning process, to advance the Developer’s conceptual design through schematic design, design development, and construction documents, resulting at each stage in a Project acceptable to the University.
At each step of the Planning and Design Stage, UC Davis will emphasize the lowest possible rents for students, along with other campus goals. The conceptual design(s) of the selected Developer or Developers will form the basis for:
- Refined cost estimates and plan of finance for the Project or Projects that are acceptable to the University;
- Further design refinements in subsequent design phases;
- California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) analysis and documentation to evaluate the Project’s or Projects’ environmental impacts and to identify project-level mitigation measures required to reduce any significant environmental impacts;
- Achievement of finalized construction plans and documents and detailed Project budgets; and
- The negotiation of a ground lease and ancillary documents (collectively “Transaction Documents”) governing the development, financing, ownership and operations of the Project or Projects.
Development Stage
In the Development Stage, the Developer or Developers will be expected to be solely responsible for the completion of the design and construction documents for the Project or Projects, and for the construction of the Project or Projects.
Operations Stage
The University may seek to perform certain operations and services in one or both of the completed Projects. Such operations and services, as well as performance expectations for the operation and management of the Project or Projects generally, will be provided in the Stage 2 RFP.